Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Pool Time, Part Two

Doesn't Phil dish up a beautiful cone? Notice Jeff has grown taller than Glenn. Not really, but a boy can dream!

Monday, August 29, 2011
Pool Time

Phil and the President (Morgan) and Vice President (cousin, Sam) of the Phil Kaufman Fan Club. Membership is by invitation only, so don't get your hopes up.

The boys took to jumping off the diving board and trying to catch the football midair. I got some great pictures (a lot of near misses), but this is my favorite.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Square Bales

Saturday, August 27, 2011
Idaho County Fair, Last Day (Finally!)
After the parade and a yummy burger from the Lion's Club stand (we had one every day--we love those burgers!), it was time for the sale. The prices were up from last year. Ellea got $2.90/lb and Nicole got $3.10/lb. At 250-280 pounds, that's some pretty good money! Too bad the real pig farmers don't make that much--we'd all be in the pig business! The beef and sheep kids make similar money. It's a good deal. The buyers are all very supportive. Our girls' money goes into savings and a small portion goes into their pocket to reward their hard work.
Ellea had a hard time saying goodbye to her pig which struck me as odd since she was a tad scared of and not all that fond of her pig. She said it was because her pig trusted her and she was sending it away to be killed. That girl has such a big heart. It's hard to be soft-hearted and raise animals for meat.

Friday, August 26, 2011
Idaho County Fair, Day Three

More Bottle calves. she wasn't a fan of the bath.
And a visit from some of the Kaufman's. Glenn's sister Dori came up from Lewiston with their foreign exchange student from Belgium, her daughter-in-law, Jen and Jen's two kiddos, Sam and Andie. Andie sat with me approximately 2.2 minutes. She looks happy in this picture, don't you think?
And, day three was Glenn's and my 16th wedding anniversary. No pictures of us, sorry. We were too busy being romantic. A kiss in the cattle pen. A burger at lunch. Chinese for dinner. I swoon at the memory..... Luckily I enjoy the fair *almost* as much as Glenn does, so it's all good. He claims we'll do something special soon. We'll see. (The clock is ticking, dear.)
Thursday, August 25, 2011
School Is In Session
Fast-forward about 5 years and I totally feel her pain. As much as I despise their bickering, tattling and general goal to drive me mad, I don't want to send them out the door from 7:30 am to 3:40 pm. They're my kids, and I want them with me.

Not badly enough that'd I'd home school, or anything. I'm not that crazy. I just needed to whine a little. I'm all better now--thank you.
After dropping them off at school, I went and had coffee with friends. Except that I don't drink coffee. It doesn't sound the same to say, I went and had cocoa with friends who drank coffee. Really, it's all about the company anyway.
p.s. They had a great day at school and we had a celebratory first-day-of school dinner out.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Idaho County Fair, Day Two

Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Idaho County Fair, Day One, part two

The pigs went directly to the wash pens. They did not pass Go. They did not collect $200.

And everyone lived happily ever after.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Idaho County Fair, Day One
Nicole did very well with our Schnauzer, Zip. It's quite miraculous how well-behaved he can be. In any other venue, he'd be barking and carrying on. He comes to the Idaho County Fair dog show, and he barely makes a noise. God is good!

Sunday, August 21, 2011
Anyway, two dogs, two pigs, one bottle calf, one wedding anniversary and lots of junk food later, we're home! More to come soon!!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Head Stands

By George, I think she's got it.
Friday, August 19, 2011
County Fair, Here we Come

Thursday, August 18, 2011
Haying Season

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Freak Out
"I'll show it to you, but don't freak out, mom. It's reallly bad."
Really. Hmm. Is it hamburger, or a bloody pulp? Exactly how does she expect me to freak out? Am I supposed to cry or scream, or perhaps just faint?
It wasn't all that bad, but it looked like it hurt. She ripped a nice flap on the tip of her big toe. I was rather impressed she was keeping her composure so well. I was not, however, inspired to freak out. Maybe next time.
I took a photo of said-toe the next day specifically for blogging purposes, but it was a tad on the icky side, so I thought I'd spare you. Maybe next time.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Camping for the Dogs

Monday, August 15, 2011
Ka-bobs on the Barbie

Sunday, August 14, 2011
The River Runs Through It

Saturday, August 13, 2011
Morgan and His Girls

The movie on night one was a Barbie selection. No complaints from Morgan. Smart boy. Him, two girls and a movie in a darkened camper. Not sure how many more years we can let this go on un-chaperoned......
Friday, August 12, 2011
Idaho Vandals

Go Vandals!!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Pouting Skills
Boy, can she stick that lip out. What a pro! I tried to match her skill. . . . .

I like her technique much better. I may have to work on that in the mirror. Or not.

I may not be as talented at the pout, but at least I can keep a straight face!! Kinda.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Those Pesky Bugs

Hors d'oeuvre, Anyone?

There was music playing and a few people started dancing. Not to be left out, Morgan danced with his favorite little girl, Elise.

I love this picture (thanks, Leah--I stole it from Facebook!). Smiling into each other's eyes, they sure seem to like each other! They were dancing awfully close here. His "father-in-law" didn't like it!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Sperm Whales

A classmate at my 20th reunion alerted me to this. I tried to Google it to find out what it might be about. No luck. Her thought was perhaps it is a musical about Sperm Whales. I'm hoping. I may never know. If anyone out there attends, please keep me posted.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Sandpoint City Beach

Sunday, August 7, 2011
Cabin in the Woods
It's really not a cabin so much as a beautiful two-story home. Amy's daughter calls it a bungalow. They own it in partnership with a couple uncles and Amy's hubby Devon happens to build houses, so this is what he built. . .

The view from the upper-story deck.