We had an epic horse day on Saturday at the Idaho County 4-H horse show in Grangeville.
A blue ribbon in halter. She was hoping for grand or reserve champion so she could go on to the overall champion class that will be held at the county fair in August, but it wasn't in the cards this time. We decided it was only fiar. You gotta share some of the trophies with the other kids!
First trophy was Grand Champion in her age group for bareback.
Then she was barely beat out for the trophy in her age division in Western Equitation. She did receive Reserve Champion.
I love this picture that Ellea took with my cell phone. :) |
Which earned her a spot in the Overall Western Equitation, competing against all the different age groups. She came away with Grand Champion in that class. So there. (I'm not competitive at all.)
And then it was time for English. Sadly, she was the only entrant in her age division, so no competition, but that means she got grand champion.
And trail is one of her favorite classes. She was super please to get grand champion in her age division for trail. She said that's her favorite trophy to win.
After five hours of showing horses, it was time for the gaming classes. Everyone else was excused to go home (Glenn, mom and the kids). Nicole and I normally only stay for a couple games and then we head home, but she was having fun, so we stuck around to the bitter end. Because there weren't a lot of people in her age group, she managed to bring home several reserve champion ribbons for the games. Her horse isn't the speediest, but he was speedy enough.
And that was that. Four grand champion trophies and five reserve champion rosettes later, we were ready to load up and drag our tired selves home. Good job, kiddo.
Sadly, I failed to get a picture of her cheering section. Grandma and dad were there, of course, but I am always especially proud of her siblings for their support and patience with all things horse. Thank you for that, kids o'mine. You're good to your sister and I appreciate it. I'm sure she does, too.