It was all Ellea's doing and she kept it super secret from her dad. We didn't drink tea. We had grape soda and apple juice. We also had lots of different cookies, and wore hats, of course. All proper tea parties require a hat.

Pinkies out!!!
Pinkies out!!!
The girls made him chocolate chip cookies. Those are always a hit. For dinner, we went to a restaurant in Cottonwood and pigged out some more. So there you have it. Around here, to show our love, we fill your belly!
This is what is called a prolapse, boys and girls. That lovely red object coming out of the back end of the calf is a small portion of his intestine. This happens more often in pregnant cows. He won himself a trip to the vet. She put in lots of dissolvable stitches and he's good as new. Hopefully.
Nicole was mortified that I was taking pictures of this for my blog. She was afraid he might be embarrassed. So if you know this calf or any of his friends, don't say anything. We wouldn't want him to feel bad about himself.
And then they took up skipping. The above picture is a little blurry, but it's the only one of Grandma skipping with the girls. Skipping hurts my head. All that jarring and bouncing. That didn't stop Grandma from joining in the fun. I think it's been awhile since Grandma skipped. She's still got it.
Did you know when they do the Kindergarten screening around here, they ask the kids to skip? How silly is this? I was shocked when I found that out after Nicole's screening. How could she possibly know this skill? I hadn't bothered to teach her the finer points of skipping. Her being my first born and all, I took it personally that she didn't ace everything in the screening. By the time #2 and 3 went through it, I couldn't care less! So the moral of this story is, teach your small children to skip. If it matters to you. Or don't.
Candi let her goofy dogs (Sorry Candi. Zip's goofy, but so are your dogs in their own lovely ways!) eat the leftover marshmallow off her roasting stick. Not to worry, she "sterilized" them in the fire before applying another 'mallow!
"Wow, this is harder than it looks. I need a break!"
They'll probably hate me for posting this, but I'm willing to take that risk.
We were up on the Cottonwood Butte (our backyard--we are so lucky!) and stumbled onto this delightful piece of heaven! Someone suggested a snowball fight. I declined.
This is the view from the Keuterville cemetery. Not a bad place to be buried when you die.
Morgan had never skated before. He was all smiles before he went out on his skates. Then he tried skating. By the end of one lap around the rink, he was complaining loudly that "This is hard!" Yup. I know it looks easy, buddy, but it's NOT! He completed three laps and had had enough. He went off to play with his friends, and spend his money on concessions! He was so proud of the "souvenir" he bought himself. . . . A skull key chain for 50 cents! He was surprisingly frugal with his money!
Ellea was such a good sport about going around the rink at my turtle-slow pace. She has skated a fair amount on her roller blades in our basement. We did good. No falling down except for once when I stopped us in the middle of the floor to talk to Morgan about his technique. Someone ran into Ellea and knocked her down. How rude.
Glenn came and watched (and took pictures). I suggested he could give skating a try, but he's never tried out wheeled-shoes and didn't think he wanted to take up the sport so late in life. Party pooper! Who's the party pooper now?!!