I don't have any sisters, of course, but I imagine they can be pretty delightful. Luckily, Glenn's three sisters invited me along on a rendezvous to a craft fair last Friday in Pullman, Washington (90 minutes away). Nancy and I drove to Lewiston together, hopped in with Dori and met Donna who is living in Spokane with a year and a half left to finish pharmacy school. (Go Donna!!)
There were lots of cool things to look at. Plenty of beautiful jewelry which was tempting to buy. I discovered it's much easier to buy Christmas presents for me than for my family! One guy even tempted me with a beautiful hand made one-of-a-kind hair comb. He convinced me to sit down in a chair and he showed me all the wonderful things this hair comb could do with my hair. He showed me all kinds of beautiful up-dos.
I was sold.
Until I asked him the price.
Only seventy-five to ninty-five dollars for this one-of-a-kind piece of art.
Well, I don't normally wear art on my head, so I guess I won't start now. (Although they were beautiful and if my husband had handed me a hundred dollar bill and told me to spend it on myself, I would've bought one. Alas, Glenn rarely--no, never--hands me hundred dollar bills.)

My favorite part of the evening was the yummy food we ate after our power shopping. There's this great little Italian restaurant in Pullman called Basilio's that knocked my socks off! And not only was my food delicious, the price was right, too! You can't beat that.

I had the Romano Chicken. I'm salivating as I type this. I'm going back ASAP.