Monday, December 12, 2011

A Tree for the Kitty

Vandal really seems to appreciate that we brought a fir tree into the house for his personal enjoyment. I've been surprised that he hasn't torn it apart, but there's still time for that. He seems content to lay on the tree skirt and pretend he's in the great outdoors.

Here, he looks like he's considering which ornament he will attack first.

A little education for you: when we did the cow eye dissection in Ellea's science class, we saw the back of the eye which just like a cat's eye has this reflective surface called the Tapetum. That's why cows', cats', deer and horses' eyes glow when you see them in your headlights. Fascinating.

Makes you want to go dissect a cow eyeball right now, doesn't it?

Okay, maybe not. But, I bet you're glad I brought up the cow eye dissection again. I hope to refer back to it often.


anatomy 1 said...

More science, more science!! :)

Anonymous said...

You bet ... That's cool information that you never know when you'll need.