And then we got on the wrong train.
I felt just dreadful, because it was pretty much all my fault that we got on the subway headed to Queens. We realized we were on the wrong subway right before we went under the river. There is no reason for it to stop under the river, of course, so the delay was a long one! A nice man told as at the first stop to get off, go across to the other platform and get on the train headed back where we came from. We definitely got our $2.25 worth!

My first subway ride, with one of my new friends, Stacia, from Weiser, Idaho. (Actually, she lives in Ontario, Oregon, but it's right over the border!)

Getting lost on the subway was really part of my plan as an exciting detour for our trip. Because, be delaying our arrival at the Staten Island Ferry, the timing was perfect for the sun to be setting! See how clever I am? No, really. I loved the way these columns reflected the light from the setting sun.

And this view of the shoreline was enhanced by the light from the sunset.
I did still feel bad that I got us turned around, but I felt the tiniest bit redeemed that it all worked out fine in the end! Next subway ride, was someone else's to figure out, though! It's not as easy as it seems like it should be!!