The poor guy probably doesn't know what to do with me. What did I really have to talk about when I kept the house clean (sort of) and changed diapers all day (fun times!)? Don't get me wrong. I loved having that opportunity to be with my kids every day. I just didn't have much for stimulating topics of conversation! "You should've seen the contents of the baby's diaper this morning!" Yep, good stuff! I probably did have that conversation (poor Glenn!), but how long can you go on about a diaper?!

I'm really enjoying my job. I'm really enjoying feeling like a grown up who uses her brain and has responsibilities that have nothing to do with diapers. And I'm really enjoying having more topics of conversation. Not sure how Glenn feels about it, but he's going to have a wife with more to say!
Tell him to get used to it, Marv has heard that from me for a LONG time. You'll know when he is bored if he rolls his eyes, and doesn't say much except for "uh huh" once in awhile. But, who cares? I just go on talking anyway. Of course, you know that about me anyway :) Great to hear you love your job. It is a great feeling, I know, right?
Well if you ever need to reminisce about the good days of changing diapers, you would be very welcome at our house, where we change our fair share everyday. We'd even let you jump in and get your hands dirty (no pun intended!).
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