Glenn and I held babies together while their parents ate Easter dinner. It didn't last long because Ellea wolfed down her food and promptly tried to
steal my baby. I stood my ground, but Glenn cannot tell his children no, so she stole his baby instead!
I'm holding Ellie, the 3 week old neice by marriage (kinda), and Glenn's got Will, his almost-three-month-old Great Nephew.

We look good with babies, don't ya think? I could handle another baby.
Sleepless nights.
Sleepless nights.
I'm almost 39 years old.
Sleepless nights.
Maybe I'll just stick to fighting my daughter to hold other people's babies.
You know, the incidence of twins rises with "advanced maternal age" guys could totally do it!
Awww ... I love babies! Just think of their precious baby breath, soft skin and gummy smiles. *sigh* Guess I have baby on the brain too. :)
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