We had an incredible hail storm here last week. We didn't get the golf-ball sized hail right at our house, but the kids and I got stuck in it driving home from Cottonwood.
It was incredibly intense. It was incredibly LOUD! It was especially alarming when the hail starting
cracking the windshield. Poor Nicole in the passenger seat was really squirming. I told it was fine, because they design windshields not to shatter. When we got home, she noticed there were little pieces of glass on the dashboard.
Ellea counted 27 points of impact on the windshield and 43 (or more) on the hood and roof. Turns out there are dents in almost every body panel.
But, no biggie, because we have insurance, right?
Right? . . . .
Um, no. I'm sorry, you forgot to pay your premium and your insurance EXPIRED two days before the hail storm. . . . That was a major heart breaker. Glenn and I both felt terrible for not paying the bill. What if we'd been in an accident?
No big surprise, Progressive denied our claim. Who could blame them?
Big surprise, my husband with his magical powers of persuasion, got on the phone and convinced some guy in Boise that because we'd been with Progressive for 12 years that they should pay for the damage.
God is good!
Moral of the story? Stay home during hail storms, and pay your bills on time!