Tuesday, May 14, 2013

School Project

Morgan came home with a project for school a couple weekends ago.  One of our crazy weekends when we had a hundred other things going on.  Oh, and let's throw in a project for school, just for fun.  Love that!

But it went relatively well, and I even enjoyed the process a little!  He had to create a continent of his own design, with mountains and bodies of water and all that good stuff.  They had been learning about land forms in school (this is second grade, keep in mind), and it was time to put all that information to good use.

 So he used his mother's (brilliant) idea to make it out of wood.  The land forms were made out of salt clay.

Welcome to music island (that's a guitar-shape).  There's Piano Plateau, and Violin Valley, Morgan Mountain, and a canyon and volcano whose names I can't recall.....!!

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