Friday, March 14, 2014

Dogs and Horses

Nicole and I had our first spring horse back ride last weekend.  And it was *mostly* warm!  The horses were very well behaved.  Especially considering they hadn't been ridden much in months.  It was so nice to get outside and enjoy a ride together.

The dogs are always excited for a horse back ride, too!  Are you ready yet?  Hurry up!  Let's go!

But then we found a little deeper snow and that's hard to walk in when you're a short dog.  So, I invited Zip up on my lap.  He laid right down and hung out until we got back to where the snow wasn't so deep.  Not sure he liked it, but that dog would do about anything for me, so he tolerated the ride nicely.  I think was preferable to trying to plow through eight to 12 inches of snow, but just barely.   Gotta love a nice March ride with your favorite horse and your goofy dog!

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