Tuesday, May 31, 2011
1st Grade, Here we Come!!

Monday, May 30, 2011
Go Vandals!

Our dog Zoey really enjoys having a kitty around again. She is so patient with Ellea's kitty and really seems to enjoy playing with him--claws and all!

Sunday, May 29, 2011
Fish Tales

Saturday, May 28, 2011
Oh, to be Young Again

Trike races. Fun for all.

Friday, May 27, 2011
Once Upon a Time

Thursday, May 26, 2011
Name That Calf--Results!
Some of the suggestions from friends' comments left here and on Facebook:
GoFer (as in, she goes for the door and she goes for Nicole!)
And, after MUCH deliberation, Nicole has decided. The winner is. . . . . . Alfalfa! Sadly, I seem to be the only person using the name, but maybe if I use her name in every sentence I speak, it'll catch on. Maybe. That means someone will have to be listening to me when I speak. Hmm. Better work on that strategy.
As you know, the lucky winner can now come pet Alfalfa any time she pleases! Granted, said winner lives in Post Falls, Idaho, but I know one day soon she will show up on my front porch with her petting-hand ready!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
The Hair of the Dog
I am the resident groomer for our little schnauzer, Zip. I am so not a professional, but I'm cheap!! The job doesn't pay so well, so I tend to procrastinate. I also blame it on living in the semi-arctic. I can't very well shave him down to there when it's so cold outside, now can I?? You should've seen him in the middle of the winter. He had dredlocks. Very Rasta, man.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
The Redneck Life

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011
Me: Could the kids get a refill of their drinks?
Her: Cheers!
Me: Yes, you can take Morgan's plate, he says he's full
Her: Cheers!
Me: We live an hour away, so we're heading home now (when she asked what was next on the agenda for my bday)
Her: Cheers!
At the end of the evening, I looked at friend Marv and said, "Does she keep saying Cheers?" Yup. Well, then.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Horse Crazy Kid

Friday, May 20, 2011
Birthday Fun, Part Two

Thursday, May 19, 2011
Birthday Fun, Part One

May birthday girls--Maureen, Chris and myself
Monday I met with two friends with May birthdays at the local coffee shop. We had a wonderful visit and Morgan and I split a yummy cinnamon roll. Morgan took this picture of us. It was his first time taking a photo. He did very well for an almost-seven-year-old. A little cropping on the computer and we were good to go! (You can't see it well, but if you squint, you can almost make out my new zebra striped purse hanging from my chair!)
I was scheduled to work Tuesday (my actual bday). Work isn't my favorite thing, but I only work one day a week right now, so I just stuck with it. I'm glad I did because co-worker Sylvia brought in cupcakes for everyone for my birthday. She brought in both chocolate and yellow cupcakes. She asked which kind I wanted and when I hesitated, she suggested I just have one of each. Well! I couldn't very well be rude and say no, now could I?!! They were both delectible! I had been craving a yellow cake with chocolate icing and I'm always about chocolate cake, so it was the best of all worlds!
I managed to get away from work a little earlier than usual and Glenn took the kids and I to Lewiston for the evening. We did some shopping to start with. I got to pick out my birthday present--an anti-gravity recling lounge chair. It's a fancy lawn chair. Glenn has one that I got him for his birthday a couple years ago, but I always seem to be the one sitting in it, so he thought it was a great idea for me to have my own!
After shopping, we met our dear friends Marv and Candi at Red Lobster for dinner.
The waitress talked me into having this yummy Mai Tai. It was delicious! If it hadn't cost almost $6, I might've had a second!
This is the wonderful shrimp dinner that I ordered. You'll notice it is partially eaten. . . . I dove right in before I considered capturing a picture for longevity. You understand.
The fat and happy Red Lobster crew--Glenn, me, Ellea, Nicole, Morgan, Candi and Marv

The waitresses (and Marv--he must really be concentrating!) singing me happy birthday. I don't think they were too happy I was taking their picture. Not too many people probably do that while they're singing! Remember my mantra--gotta take a picture for my blog!!
Stay tuned. . . I'm not done celebrating just yet!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Babies galore!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Future Horsewomen of America

Monday, May 16, 2011
Horses and Kittens and Calves, Oh My!
This little guy showed up in my garage last week. He was beating himself against the closed window. This will happen regularly throughout the summer based on past history. They fly through the open garage door and try unsucessfully to fly out the window on the oppostie side of the garage. I come along with a small rag and play catch and release. It's actually pretty cool to get to see them up close and personal for a moment before they fly away.
Anytime you need a hummingbird wrangled, you know who to call. I'll try to squeeze you in. I'm sure I'll be in high demand the moment the word gets out. Thanks for understanding.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
The One that Got Away
While Glenn and I sat by the pond, the girls played in the creek that runs out of the pond. They love playing in that creek. Who needs expensive electronics when you can play in running water with rubber boots?!
Horses and Sunshine
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Me on my horse, Dakota, Marilyn on Jack and Candi on Nifty |
Ride #1 was on Wednesday. Marilyn, Candi and I went for a 2 hour ride (with dogs in tow!). Ride #2 was on Friday with Marilyn, Sheila and Aurelia (Sheila's daughter) for another 2 hour ride. When Nicole got off the bus, she and I went out for another hour. I even got a little sunburn and I'm not sore--another miracle! Oh, life is good!