Nicole sure is a good sport. She has braces on for the second time. Back in the 4
th grade, she had braces just on the top. She's also had headgear for the past 18 months. (I doubt she'll let me post a picture of her with her headgear!!) Now she has braces all around.

She wasn't thrilled, but she a
pleaser, so she didn't complain (much). They prop your mouth open while they're gluing the brackets on with this dreadful plastic
apparatus. It was going fine, but then it was time to wait for the dentist to come take a peak. So we waited. And waited. And Nicole has this dreadful plastic
apparatus in her mouth. And we're waiting. I look over and she's got a tear rolling down her face.
That's when mama bear came out. I reached over to hold Nicole's hand and I asked the assistant why we were waiting and what was the dentist doing? She said he was with another patient and she went to hurry him along.

I apologized for being a protective mother, but she said she'd do the same. Amazingly, Nicole was still speaking to us and flashed us one of her million-dollar smiles, despite the torture.
I could learn something from that girl.
please give her a big hug and kiss from aunt wanda and tell her she is a brave girl.
She is a trooper ... To be sure! What a gal!
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