Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Vandal Pride

Took the kids to Moscow recently for the U of I Homecoming.  One major highlight was the parade.  We were a few minutes late, so missed the Marching Band, but caught the tail end of them walking away!  How cool is that tuba?!

Crazy two big-wheeled bike.

A Kaufman Cousin driving his fraternity's float.

Horses!  Who doesn't love seeing horses in a parade?  This is the polo team.  How cool is that?  We didn't have horse polo when I went to school at U of I.

We even met up with my brother and his youngest.  They walked in the parade with the Chamber of Commerce and then came and took in the rest of the parade with us.  You may notice that one of my children is absent.  She's becoming a teenager and didn't want to be bothered with getting up early to drive to Moscow and spend the day.  So she sat at home by herself all day long.  Said it was rather boring.  Hopefully, next time she'll join in the fun!

And how super cool is this?  The city of Moscow went and painted one of their ambulances in vandal colors! I saw this same ambulance at the football game, so I'm sure the school paid for the paint job, but you gotta love some vandal pride on an emergency vehicle!

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