Friday, July 31, 2015

Jet Boat Trip

Glenn's sister Nancy, and her husband, Hal, invited our little family to join them on a jet boat trip up the Salmon River over Memorial Day weekend to celebrate Hal's birthday.  I've always wanted to go on a jet boat ride and this was my first.  It was so fun.

It was a beautiful sunny day.

And the views were unbelievable!  This stretch of the river is inaccessible, except by boat, so it was cool to be in this beautiful, rugged country that few people get to see.

A fun time was had by all.  (This is crazy cousin Shari!)

Glenn with the birthday boy.

Thanks for the great memories, Hal and Nancy!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Birthday Mama

On Morgan's birthday last week, I suggested that it was moms who should be celebrated and given gifts.  My sweet boy immediately ran upstairs and brought back this beautifully wrapped gift that he had prepared just for his mama!

I was incredibly touched.  He had made me a beaded bracelet and matching necklace.  Such a good kid, this boy.  Thanks, buddy.  You are such a blessing to this family.  Happy birthday!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A Girl, Her Dog and Her Lamb

 Every year, our county has a practice show in June for all the livestock except pigs (I think they're more prone to disease.... or maybe they're just too much work to schlep around.  They're not halter broke, you know!)  And a dog showing clinic with the dog judge.

Nicole is taking a lamb and a dog project this year (and horse!), so she had two animals to deal with.

We were sitting in the shade on these concrete steps and Nicole's lamb decided he needed to join us.  Zip didn't look all that impressed originally, but he managed.

A Schnauzer, a lamb and a teenager.  What a cute bunch!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Horses and Trophies

We had an epic horse day on Saturday at the Idaho County 4-H horse show in Grangeville.

A blue ribbon in halter.  She was hoping for grand or reserve champion so she could go on to the overall champion class that will be held at the county fair in August, but it wasn't in the cards this time.  We decided it was only fiar.  You gotta share some of the trophies with the other kids!

First trophy was Grand Champion in her age group for bareback.

Then she was barely beat out for the trophy in her age division in Western Equitation.  She did receive Reserve Champion.

I love this picture that Ellea took with my cell phone. :)

Which earned her a spot in the Overall Western Equitation, competing against all the different age groups.  She came away with Grand Champion in that class.  So there.  (I'm not competitive at all.)

And then it was time for English.  Sadly, she was the only entrant in her age division, so no competition, but that means she got grand champion.

And trail is one of her favorite classes.  She was super please to get grand champion in her age division for trail.  She said that's her favorite trophy to win.

After five hours of showing horses, it was time for the gaming classes.  Everyone else was excused to go home (Glenn, mom and the kids).  Nicole and I normally only stay for a couple games and then we head home, but she was having fun, so we stuck around to the bitter end.  Because there weren't a lot of people in her age group, she managed to bring home several reserve champion ribbons for the games.  Her horse isn't the speediest, but he was speedy enough.

And that was that.  Four grand champion trophies and five reserve champion rosettes later, we were ready to load up and drag our tired selves home.  Good job, kiddo.

Sadly, I failed to get a picture of her cheering section.  Grandma and dad were there, of course, but I am always especially proud of her siblings for their support and patience with all things horse.  Thank you for that, kids o'mine.  You're good to your sister and I appreciate it.  I'm sure she does, too.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Hamburger Challenge

At lunch on Morgan's birthday, Nicole thought the one pound hamburger looked like something we should try.  She and I decided to split it.

It was crazy huge.  And I didn't do a very good job eating my half.  Poor Nicole ended up eating about three-quarters of it.  Such a trooper that girl.  She was not going to let a mammoth hamburger get the best of her!

It was a great lunch with my great little family.  Then it was on to the water park.  Everyone wants to go swimming after eating 3/4 of huge hamburger, right Nicole?

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Birthdays and Hospital Visits

We had a fun-filled day with the Birthday boy.

After a yummy birthday lunch (courtesy of Nicole - thank you dear!!).

And some present opening and cake and ice cream....

 We hit the road for some fun in Lewiston.  Morgan's sisters agreed to go roller blading with him.  Then we went out to lunch and hit the local water park.

They have family night every Tuesday and Thursday where you can get your entire family in the door for only $10.  Ten Dollars!  Normal price to get our little brood into the park is about $45!  I'm all about a good deal.  We definitely each got our $2 worth.

A quick family selfie before changing back into our street clothes.  And then, some bad news.....

I managed to fall down as I was stepping off the bottom stair into the parking lot.  My ankle just randomly decided to give out and it rolled to the right.  I writhed around in pain (OH, how it hurt!) and then Glenn helped me hobble to the car.  I looked down at my ankle after getting in the car and decreed we needed to drive the 5 blocks to the nearest hospital.  It swelled up instantly.  I didn't figure that was good news.

Everyone was a good sport about the little side trip.  Morgan was a little traumatized.... he felt pretty bad for his mama.  But she was okay.  The pain (thankfully) subsided within a few minutes and I was feeling fine.  We had a great time laughing and entertaining each other.  Time for another family selfie.   I'm sure the nurse checking me in thought we were pretty crazy, but we had documented the rest of the activities of the day, why not this one?

Unfortunately, the ER was pretty busy and it took a couple hours before we actually saw a doctor.  In the meantime we had great fun making each other giggle and generally trying to entertain one another. The X-Rays showed no broken bones or bone chips (thank you, Lord!).  I tore the ligaments pretty good which is unfortunate because I'm told they take forever to heal.

So, I'm laying low for a few days and then being careful and using an ankle brace in my tennis shoe for about 4 weeks.  Good thing my kids are on summer break right now.  They make great little servants! :)

Happy birthday, Morgan!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Working Girls

The girls talked their dad into teaching them to cut the hay this year.

This is Nicole driving the swather.

This is Ellea working her magic in the swather.

I'm told they both did a great job.  If Glenn's not careful, he'll train himself right out of haying season.  Maybe that's his plan, but I doubt it.  He likes playing with his big toys.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Birthday Blog in Two Parts

Eleven years ago, we were blessed with child number three.  11 years.  More than a decade has passed. Crazy.

Despite occasional disputes, the girls loved that boy right from the get go.

For that, I am truly grateful.  Keep loving each other, kids o'mine.  It melts my heart.


Dear Morgan,

Happy eleventh birthday, my sweet boy.  You are such a blessing in our lives.  We are so proud of the young man you are growing up to be.  Keep up the good work.

And stop growing up so fast.  Okay?  Okay.

Love always,

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Walking the Lamb

We hung out with the 4-H animals last night.  Nicole suggested we take her lamb for a walk so away we went.

Took turns leading him.  His name's "Goober," if you're curious.  You can imagine why that might be his name.  Lamb's are not the smartest farm animal.

Goober looks remarkably alarmed in this picture.  What are these humans doing to me?!  Guess he wasn't impressed with our goin'-for-a-walk selfie.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

One Last Picture with the Queen

We're all very proud of this beautiful young lady.  So proud that we all wanted one last photo with her before she passed on her crown to next year's queen.  These two played a very important supporting role over the past 12 months.  Thank you both for your patience.  And your help.  And your love for each other.  We are proud of the queen, but we are also so proud of you two for all you've done to make this year a great one.

It's been a wonderful year.  A year full of blessings.  Blessed with fun times and great memories.  Blessed with great kids and supportive family.  So blessed.

Good job, darling girl.  We are so proud.