Saturday, January 2, 2016

Warm Horse, Cold Human

My daughter talked me into going for a horse back ride a few days ago.  It was a balmy 18 degrees.  I suggested I wanted to use my saddle, but she wisely talked me out of it.  Utilizing my horse's body heat to keep my legs warm was much better than a cold leather saddle!

Notice in the above photo that I am fully bundled up.  My crazy daughter didn't have a hat on.  
Crazy, right?!  Right.

Horse riding selfie.

The horses did pretty well considering how little they've been ridden recently.  Nicole and I were fully chilled by the time we got home.  Cold toes, cold nose.  Otherwise, not too bad.  We were glad we did it.  We were glad to be back home in the warm house when we were done, too.


Anonymous said...

The coldest ride I ever attempted was -11 ... but I was your daughters age. WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?????????? LMAO

Anonymous said...

... And yes ... we did it bareback on purpose.