We had a minor scare this week with a "misplaced" child. Morgan had instructions to ride the bus home if Glenn wasn't standing there to pick him up after school. When I realized he wasn't on the bus, I assumed he was with Glenn. I called and Glenn denied having picked him up, so I went looking for him at his school. It was mildly disturbing that he wasn't there either!

It made me incredibly grateful that we live where we do. I can't imagine if I lived in a bigger town that I would keep my cool if no one knew where my child had disappeared to! The teachers were frantically calling bus drivers and the other elementary building in town. They were very apologetic and felt badly that he was "lost." I was 99.9% sure that he was safe somewhere. I know a child can be kidnapped in even the smallest town, but thankfully we finally located him at the other school.

I was relieved
and annoyed when I found out where he was! There was no reason for him to be on the bus that went to that school. He claims "he forgot" where he was supposed to go after school, but I don't buy that. He's had a stern talking to and won't be pulling that stunt again if he knows what's good for him!

We should hug our loved ones every chance we get and say a prayer for their safety. They're so precious and irreplaceable.
Even if they do silly, annoying things that drive us crazy sometimes!
is it just me or do my boys look just like that baby picture of morgan?!
You might be right, Christina! It's that strong, German Poxleitner blood!!
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