Nicole was in the mood to make dessert last night. And not just any old dessert would do. What she really wanted to make was Angel Food cake. She was hopeful that I had an Angel Food Cake mix, but even those are more work than I like to exert, so I don't buy them. I suggested a nice Pound Cake for her strawberry shortcake plans, but she was having none of it.
So, she and I made OUR very first Angel Food Cake.

One of the reasons that I've never actually made an Angel Food Cake is I'm too lazy to stand there with the mixer beating the eggs for three weeks. C'mon. Who has that kind of patience? But, I have a stand mixer. Thank God for that!
The other reason I don't make Angel Food cake is who wants 12 eggs yolks lying around with no where to go? I'm gonna have to figure out what to do with those puppies.
Nicole was amazed at how you separate eggs. And the girls where fascinated to see what happens to egg yolks when you beat them to within an inch of their life. It was very educational.
A little home ec. lesson in my kitchen.

I'm not a big fan of Angel Food cake without fruit and whip cream,but boy, oh boy, add those lovely ingredients and you have a little slice of heaven.
And no chocolate is involved. Amazing!
make noodles with the yolks
We pour the yolks over the dry dog food. My dad always said it was good for the dog's coat.
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