Last year, Nancy told our girls that she was going to teach them how to sew. A good thing, since their mother is pretty clueless in that department. She let them sew a baby blanket and they had a blast doing it. Morgan announced early on that he wanted to sew, too! Not wanting to argue with such an open-minded young man, Nancy agreed. Morgan finally got his turn yesterday.

He mostly pushed the pedal, but he paid close attention to the entire process. Thankfully, it moved along quickly. The blanket was finished in about an hour and a half, and Morgan's interest was about spent so that was perfect!

Morgan's Godmother, Donna, picked up the material for this project. It's cute little monkey's throwing snowballs at each other. Perfect for my little monkey! The blanket is just the right size to cuddle up on the couch with. It's his new favorite!
Soon, my children know more about sewing than I do. Maybe then they can teach
God bless men that can sew and cook ...
What a fun project! Great job, Morgan!
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