Monday, October 27, 2014


While we were taking in the beautiful views on our four-wheeler ride adventure, this silly girl decided she wanted to be a mountain goat for a minute and scale down the rocky outcropping we were sitting on.

The worrying mama in me wanted to say no, but I bit my tongue and she mountain goated her way down without incident and lived happily ever after.

Then this girl found her own challenge of sitting on the edge of this rock which also looked a little scary to me.  She asked me if the rock was going to break off and roll down the hill.  It looked pretty solid, but the image it brought to mind was a little disturbing.  Please, dear rock, don't break loose and send my baby girl tumbling down this very steep hill.  Thank you.

The rock and I came to a nice understanding.  It plans to stay put for another few hundred years, so it's all good.

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