Sunday, November 23, 2014

Do-it-yourself Family Pictures

I missed out on taking family pics for Christmas cards last year.  Two years ago, we took these self-portraits, and I had planned to make it an annual event.  You know how plans tend to work out.  (On a side note - why are my kids growing up SO fast?  Can we just hit pause for a minute?!)

So this year, I was determined to not let the season go by without a family picture and Christmas card.  Of course, I hadn't planned to do it in the snow, but when you procrastinate you have to be flexible.

So I told the kiddos we were taking pictures after church today.  Some of them complained it would be too cold, but I persevered, the hubby supported me and I received full cooperation.  I love it when that happens!

We decided our first backdrop would be Glenn's dad's old Allis-Chalmers WD45 tractor.

I set up the tripod again like last time.  The family was super patient with me, but it was a tad chilly, so we tried not to take forever.  I think we all had numb fingers and toes by the time we were done, but it was fun.

The dogs even got in on the fun this year.  Note, my little dog, Zip, has his sweater on.  We all get dolled up for family pictures.

I feel like Zip is looking at me like I'm a little crazy, but I'm okay with that.  I kinda am a teensy bit crazy.  If only we had a picture of me running (carefully) from the tripod as the self
-timer was counting down.  Maybe next year.


Anonymous said...

You all are so cute! I love Zippys coat! (There I commented on a post!!) :)

Anonymous said...

What a GREAT family picture! Love it, want it!!!!!!