Grandma and I took the kiddos to the circus a couple weeks ago. It was fun for all ages! The weather was beautiful (almost too hot, but I'm NOT complaining!).

One of my favorite things was the bear that was available to have your picture taken with during intermission. (There was a plexiglass divider, in case he felt like eating the innocent picture-takers.) There was no way I was going to pay $10 to have our picture taken with him, but I enjoyed watching him eat his bag of potato chips!
I asked the guy feeding him (who also happened to be the ring master) if Sour Cream and Onion were his favorite flavor, and he said he likes them all. The guy would feed himself one and then feed the bear. His name was Teddy. The bear, not the ring master. Who cares what the ring master's name is? Teddy. As in Teddy Bear. Clever. Or not. You decide.

Then they brought him an ice cream bar. He ate it very daintily by holding it against his leg with his paw and taking bites. He even ate the stick when he was done! This was one well-fed bear.
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