Thursday, May 9, 2013


Here we are after out 7.5 mile run/walk - exhausted and hungry!  At least I was hungry.  Glenn ate plenty while he was sitting around in the executive tent where they had massages and free food!  By the time I straggled in, the masseuses had packed up and gone home and the food was mostly gone!

The only way you get a famous Bloomsday "finisher" t-shirt is by, you guessed it, finishing!

Oh, and did I mention that poor Ellea started throwing up at 2 am Sunday morning at the friends' house the kids were staying at while we were gone?  Nicole took very good care of her as she got sick every hour for a few hours.  Their hostess felt terrible that she slept through the whole ordeal!  I felt terrible I couldn't be there to comfort her.  Thankfully, grandma saved the day by coming over after church to take care of everyone.

And that was Bloomsday:   our legs were tired, our kid was sick, but we'll do it again next year!


Unknown said...

Awesome! Way to go you guys! Maybe I'll have to talk Steve into doing it next year with me.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun ... except for the throwing up part!