Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Date Night, February 2012

Okay, maybe it was "Date Day," but February has been so crazy that a girl's gotta take what she can get! My hubby just got home late Sunday night (early Monday morning, is more like it) from Denver, Colorado. We're quite the jet setting pair which is strange for two people who never stray much past Spokane, Washington!

We met for lunch yesterday at a burger joint in Cottonwood, called The Hangout. It's that place in town with all the funny signs on the wall. I wanted to take a picture, but there were people sitting right by it and I didn't feel like explaining why I was taking a picture near their table. I'm sure I could've convinced them I wasn't a freak taking pictures of their little girl, but I didn't have it in me.

The sign said:

Love may be blind,

But marriage is a real eye opener!

Too true.

That's all I have to say about that.

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