Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Last Game

Ellea's 6th grade team played their final game of basketball this season over the weekend.  They participated in a tournament in Grangeville.  Glenn split his team of 14 girls into two teams so they could get more playing time.  That meant that he coached 6 games instead of 3 over a 24 hour period.  I wasn't too surprised when he went to bed at 8:30 that night!

They played three tough teams, but they played their hardest.

Poor Ellea was stuck guarding this girl who towered over her and outweighed her by a lot.  She plays like a bit of a brute which annoyed Ellea greatly, but inspired her to play what Glenn thought was her best defensive game ever.

Don't they make a nice pair?  I wish I'd snapped a picture of one of the many times Ellea was physically pushing into her, but this will have to do.  Good job, Ellea.  You played a great year of basketball.  It's been fun to watch you learn and grow under your daddy's coaching.

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