Saturday, October 15, 2011

Science Class

Nicole had a fun project for science that parents were encouraged to help with--thank goodness, because I couldn't help myself! I'm such a nerd.

She had to make a model of an animal cell. She wanted it to be edible. The only rule was you no jello because it couldn't be refrigerated in the classroom. We came up with baking a cake in two big bowls. Then we went to Winco to buy all the candies in bulk. I thought the cashier would look at us funny for buying two of everything, but she didn't bat an eye.

We had so much fun putting this together and Nicole was very happy with the results. It's been a couple years since I've taken biology, but I can throw candy on a cake with the best of them!

1 comment:

anatomy 1 said...

This is GREAT!! Can I have a large picture of it? Even some of my students would have a hard time with this! Way to go girl!