Saturday, May 12, 2012

Lucky Number Thirteen

As I write this we have 10 kids running around our house. It's 9:30 pm Friday night and we've been birthday-partying for the past 6 hours. I'm tired, but I don't think the party is going to wind down for awhile!

I remember that I wanted at least one girl and I figured if my firstborn was a girl, I'd be all set! Everyone told me that they thought I was having a boy so I convinced myself of that too. It was such a thrill to hear the doctor say that we had a girl when you were born!

It seems impossible that it has been thirteen years already. I'm afraid time will move even faster as you mature into the beautiful young woman you are already becoming. I can't imagine life without you. You're so kind-hearted and easy-going. Thank you for your beautiful smile and great sense of humor.

Happy 13th Birthday, Nicole!!
I love you!

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