Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Let the Camping Begin

We finally made it out on our first camping trip of the season at the end of June. We went with our buddies, Heath and Tara and their four children. We had a fabulous time. The hubbies went home to work for a while on Saturday (we were camped on the Salmon river which is only 30 minutes from home), so they were happy. The wives sat around in the sun/shade talking nonstop and doing nothing, so they were happy too! Funny how our needs are fulfilled in such different ways.

We had hoped for some sandy beaches to play on, but the highwater thwarted that plan. The kids claimed boredom halfway through the day, so we went for a walk. Of course, we couldn't pass on a photo opportunity.

The kids suggested we take a shortcut back to camp and we were all for it until we saw the daunting hillside we would have to scale to reach camp. Tara and I wisely waited until all 7 children were at the top of the hill before we looked at each other and said, let's go the "long" way!

The kids had spilled some water on the concrete next to the camp spigot and the butterflies took advantage of getting a drink. It was probably in the 90s that day. I loved the tiny blue butterfly you can see near the center of the picture.

So, there you have it. The first of many camp trips this year. Hopefully--but the summer is slipping away. Stay tuned.

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