Friday, September 30, 2011

Chicken and Dumplings

Despite having come down with my first cold of the season, I was feeling ambitious and made homemade soup and my first loaf of bread with my new stand mixer. I chose to make Potato Bread. They turned out nicely. Lovely texture, good crust, but there was a funny aftertaste so I won't be saving this recipe.

They were supposed to be "rustic," just maybe not this rustic!

I didn't want to go through the effort of homemade noodles, and I had experienced very yummy chicken and dumplings at niece, Christina's house a few months ago. Thought I'd give it a go. In doing some google research, I discovered two schools of thought regarding dumplings. One is more like a biscuit and the other like a noodle that you roll out and cut up. If memory serves (and it rarely does), Christina's was like a biscuit, but different. Hard to do a Google search with those parameters! My dumplings were very noodle like. Enjoyable, but I want to get Christina's recipe and try that too. (Hint, hint, Christina....)

The kids all enjoyed the soup. Morgan even decided he liked dumplings! Miracle! And for me, it was just what the doctor ordered!

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