Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Jumpin' Jehosaphat!

It was good times on the Selway. The girls brought along a long jump rope and it was surprisingly popular! People were waiting in line to take a turn, just like I remember in school. I used to be quite proficient with my jump rope skills, but the last time I tried it made by brain hurt. For some reason it didn't like being pounded against my (very hard) skull!

I was the Head Jump Rope Turner. Yes, I am holding a wine glass, as experienced Jump Rope Turners are known to do.


Anonymous said...

That was most likely a family member getting back at you with your own darn camera ... And yes, I do recall reading somewhere that only very experienced Jump Rope Turners,CAN ... Turn and drink at the same time. I'm almost possitive!

Anonymous said...

P.S. I'm only taking a quick break from horse searching ... I'll be back at it, in no time!!!!!!