Monday, March 19, 2012

Hidden Talents

The kids treated us to a "Talent Show" a week ago. It's always so heart-warming when they work together on something and enjoy each other's company, and sometimes it seems that behavior is rare!

Morgan's talent was a "rock dance!" What did he do? Rolled around the floor looking rock-like, of course!

His sister, Nicole, sang an orginal song, titled, "I am a rock!" It was funny.

Nicole did a Hula dance. The best part was her singing, "Hula, Hula, HULA!" as she did the hand actions.

Ellea did a puppet show and "interviewed" our dog, Zoey. So many creative kids we have around here!

The grande finale was a dance to "Cotton-eyed Joe." Morgan doesn't know that dance so he just did some freestyle dancing! You can see half of him in the above photo! He was moving so fast that I missed him!

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