Friday, June 24, 2011

Three Ring Circus

The kids and I talked Glenn into taking us to the circus in Lewiston last week. We hadn't been since the girls were toddlers and they didn't remember any of it. At the last minute, it occurred to me that we should see if Glenn's niece and nephew and their kids would like to join us. Apparently they're all about spontaneity, because they happily rearranged their schedules to come along. I can't tell you how much that thrilled me. My kids can probably tell you how much that thrilled me because I was saying how excited I was that they were joining us and was informed that I already said that! (You can read Jen's post about our circus fun on her blog.)

It was their kids' (and mom Jen's) first trip to the circus also. When the weather looked drizzly and cool, we considered cancelling, but we Idahoans are tough so we stuck with it. You wouldn't know from the above picture that it was the middle of JUNE. June, people! It should not be necessary to wear jackets and wrap ourselves in blankets in Lewiston in June. Global warming? Not here.

Morgan and Noah were very impressed with the motorcycles in the cage. We were all impressed that they could fit 4 motorcycles at once. What do their mothers think of this activity? I hope they don't know.

And what does this woman's mother think of her being carried in an elephant's mouth? Really. Do you know where that thing has been? How often can he possibly brush his teeth?

And, what of this little girls' mother? What is she thinking feeding her all this fluffy, sugary, melt-on-the-tongue wonderfulness??! Well, I imagine she's thinking, if she can keep Andie happy, then all of us can enjoy the circus. And who am I to judge? I bribed her with fist fulls of buttery popcorn in an attempt to make her want to sit with me!

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